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Lowongan IT Programmer Staff

Lowongan IT Programmer Staff

Perusahaan : PT. Gistex Garmen Indonesia
Waktu : Deadline 17 Oktober 2019
Lokasi : Sesuai dengan lokasi Kantor
875x Dilihat

Lowongan PT. Gistex Garmen Indonesia

Persyaratan :
1. Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, IT, Telco Engineering (S1)
2. Minimum IPK 2.90
3. Male/Famale age 25-35 years old (Male are preferred)
4. Active in English (spoken and written)
5. Has experience in the field at least 1 years
6. Able to create program with a desktop web based
7. Proficient in devoloment and deployment of software solutions
8. Skills required : Java, Spring framework, Vaadin framework, MyBatis,
   Webservices (Apache CXF), Oracle SQL, Crystal report, Wildfly/Jboss, Subversion
9. Active, Innovative, thorough, and strong analysis

Silahkan kirimkan lamaran/CV anda melalui email : 
dengan subject : ITP Staff_Full name